Personal Trainer & Weight Loss Center: Fishers, Indianapolis, Noblesville, Carmel, Indiana About Liz Personal Training Studio Location & Directions Rates Health Resources Contact Liz

Personal Training

Workplace Health

Egoscue Method

Pain Management
& Flexibility

Health & Lifestyle Coach

Weight Loss

Ace Group Certified
Liz Burton- Body Design Studio
Welcome to Liz Burton's Body Design Studio

I custom design personal training and health programs for my individual clients and corporate workplace partners. My focus is to help you achieve your health goals... from weight loss and body toning... to health and nutrition education. I am a practitioner of Egoscue Method, which is a leading pain management and flexibility method. For clients that experience chronic pain, it provides strength, flexibility, harmony, and happiness.

My studio is located in Noblesville, Indiana and I currently work with clients from Indianapolis, Fishers, Geist, Noblesville, Carmel and Zionsville areas. Personal training can be done in your home or my studio... and most of my corporate workplace client programs are administered at their site.

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Contact Liz at 317-250-3677
Egoscue Method Info Corporate Workplace & Wellness Gift Certificates

Home Page - Sitemap - About Liz - Personal Training - Corporate Wellness - Location - Rates - Health Links - Egoscue Method - Gift Certificates - Contact Liz

Welcome to Liz Burton's Body Design StudioI custom design personal training and health programs for my individual clients and corporate workplace partners. My focus is to help you achieve your health goals... from weight loss and body toning... to health and nutrition education. I am a practitioner of Egoscue Method, which is a leading pain management and flexibility method. For clients that experience chronic pain, it provides strength, flexibility, harmony, and happiness. My studio is located in Noblesville, Indiana and I currently work with clients from Indianapolis, Fishers, Geist, Noblesville, Carmel and Zionsville areas. Personal training can be done in your home or my studio... and most of my corporate workplace client programs are administered at their site. Page tags:personal trainer, personal training, health coach, lifestyle coach, Indianapolis, Fishers, Geist, Noblesville, Carmel, Zionsville, Indiana, corporate wellness, workplace health, pain management, egoscue, flexibility, education, weight loss, lose weight, fitness, exercise, interval training, Sprint 8, crossfit training

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Maintained By Shinn Technology Services Corporation